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Kategorie: ENT

chirurgie oncologica

Protection of the Mucous Membrane

State-of-the-art "shaver" for sinus surgery: Learn everything you need to know about this topic here in the Wiener Privatklinik blog!
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State-of-the-art Navigation System for ENT Surgery

A state-of-the-art navigation system makes delicate ENT operations even safer and more efficient! Learn more about Google Maps for surgeons here!
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Dry Nasal Mucosa

The Wiener Privatklinik (WPK) provides information on effective treatment options for dry nasal mucosa and chronic rhinosinusitis, a common and unpleasant condition.
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Eardrum Reconstruction

The Wiener Privatklinik (WPK) is positioning itself as a pioneer in the field of hearing-improving surgery and offers a comprehensive range of procedures to restore hearing.
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Successful Sinus Surgery at the Highest Medical Level

Wiener Privatklinik (WPK) is setting new standards in the treatment of chronic sinusitis. Learn more here today and contact us now!
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A laser for the voice

Opera singers, professional speakers and TV journalists rely on the expertise of ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Berit Schneider-Stickler and her interdisciplinary team!
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Wiener Privatklinik: Excellent care structure in modern ENT medicine

The WPK is at the center of modern ear, nose and throat medicine (ENT) and presents itself as an outstanding care structure in this field!
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Understanding ENT

The Wiener Privatklinik emerges as a center of excellence for ENT care in Austria, embodying a commitment to precision, compassion, and innovation. More here!
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