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Aeromedical Center

The Aeromedical Center (AMC) at Wiener Privatklinik is the longest standing comprehensive institution with this point in medical gravitation in Austria. There, all aeromedical examinations are done under one roof which constitutes a nationwide unique feature.

Information on aeromedical examinations

According to EASA Part-FCL, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology authorized the Wiener Privatklinik Aeromedical Center to perform all initial and extended examinations for Medical Class I, Class II, Class III, and Cabin Crew.
As all Airline Transport (ATPL) or Commercial Pilot License (CPL) holders have to undergo initial examinations at an aeromedical center, we offer that all such examinations can be completed within the shortest time possible consisting of one morning.

Wiener Privatklinik is operating its Aeromedical Center in cooperation with the Austrian Aeroclub.
Thus, pilots who are members of the Aeroclub are entitled to a number of benefits.

Required medical examinatis/documents
for an aeromedical certificate application:

  • Ophthalmological examination
  • Ear, Nose and Throat examination
  • Pulmonary Function Test
  • Basic Laboratory Testing (Lipid profile, blood count, urinanalysis etc.)
  • Blood Pressure
  • Chest X-ray, if required (a recent Chest X-ray – no older than six months – is acceptable)

Important: We accept only medical examinations performed in Wiener Privatklinik.

The initial examination for the aeromedical certificate is performed by the Aeromedical Center at Wiener Privatklinik. All subsequent examinations are also performed by the Aeromedical Center.


until 40 yearsATCClass 32 years
from 40 yearsATCClass 31 year
until 40 yearsPPLClass 25 years
until 50 yearsPPLClass 22 years
from 50 yearsPPLClass 21 years
until 60 yearsCPL / ATPLClass 11 year
from 60 yearsCPL / ATPLClass 16 months
Cabin Crew5 years

Required time:

All examinations will take about one day in total.


Initial examination Medical Class I + III
Initial examination Medical Class I + III700,00€
Initial examination Medical Class I + III for non austrian citizens750,00€
Initial examination Medical Class I + III Aeroclub + AOPA700,00€
ENT-examination, mandatory180,00€
Ophthalmologic examination (eyes), mandatory190,00€
Additional Ophthalmologic examination (eyes) for Class III, mandatory CAD250,00€
Ophthalmologic examination (eyes) after laser surgery - 2nd examination necessary250,00€
Psychological Test ONLY Class 1, obligatory
(kind of Personality Test, a number of tests relate to: Logical thinking, Memory, Stress tolerance etc.)
Extension Medical Class I + III
Extension Medical Class I260,00€
Extension Medical Class I for non austrian citizens310,00€
Extension Medical Class I Aeroclub + AOPA260,00€
Other Medical Classes Initial examination
Initial examination Medical Class II + CC + LAPL280,00€
Initial examination Medical Class II + CC + LAPL for non austrian citizens320,00€
Initial examination Medical Class II + CC + LAPL Aeroclub + AOPA280,00€
Other Medical Classes Extension
Extension Medical Class II + CC240,00€
Extension Medical Class II + CC for non austrian citizens260,00€
Extension Medical Class II + CC Aeroclub + AOPA220,00€
Additional Examinations
Medical reissue in case of loss70,00€
Medical reissue in case of name change 70,00€
Exercise ECG300,00€
Heart Ultrasound300,00€
Lung function test
24 hour EKG300,00€
Practical training to obtain the authorization as an AME Class Iper day of training EUR 900,- incl. 20% VAT

Please note that for all the medical examinations in our Aeromedical Center is at least Language Proficiency Level 4 (ICAO) required. If this is not the case, we ask you to bring a translator with you or we are happy to assist you with organizing a translator. Please contact our International Patients Department: or +43140180-8700


All about examination procedures

The following must be observed to ensure a smooth procedure:

Required details:

  • Name, mailing address, date of birth, and place of birth
  • Telephone, fax, e-mail (in case of further questions)
  • Initial examinations or follow-ups?
  • Applied medical class (1, 2, 3, Cabin Crew)
  • Whether an ophthalmological examination is required, which is always the case in initial examinations, following which such examination takes place at different intervals, determined by class and age.
  • Is an ENT examination required, which is always the case in initial examinations, following which such examination take place at different intervals, determined by class and age.
  • Age

Required documents for the examination:

  • Valid picture ID, mandatory for initial examinations
  • Flight license and medical license, if available
  • If you need prescription eyeglasses, prescriptions indicating correction values of previous eye examinations are required.
  • For all pre-existing conditions, all medical reports and documents must be furnished to the Wiener Privatklinik.
  • Military service exemption documents indicating the reason(s) for exemption are required.

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Radiology Center

The Radiology Center at the Vienna Private Clinic offers a wide range of conventional imaging, as well as nuclear medical examinations such as PET / CT.
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