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12. February 2024
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Eardrum Reconstruction

Eardrum Reconstruction

The Wiener Privatklinik (WPK) is positioning itself as a pioneer in the field of hearing-improving surgery and offers a comprehensive range of procedures to restore hearing. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gstöttner, renowned ENT surgeon at the WPK, emphasizes the variety of operations on offer, including reconstructive surgery on the eardrum and innovative cochlear implantations.

“The entire spectrum of hearing-improving operations is offered at the WPK,” emphasizes Prof. Gstöttner. This includes restorative surgery following inflammation, in which both the eardrum and the auditory ossicles are reconstructed. Aggressive middle ear infections can destroy the eardrum, and more serious cases such as cholesteatoma can even lead to bone loss.

Stirrup plasty is a challenging procedure for patients with profound hearing loss. This involves replacing the non-functioning ossicle with a prosthesis. “Patients often no longer need a hearing aid,” emphasizes Prof. Gstöttner.

Patients at the WPK are also fitted with cochlear implants, which virtually replace the entire ear. “These advanced implants are particularly relevant for children born deaf or patients who are deaf on both sides due to sudden hearing loss or injury. A neurostimulator is implanted, which directly stimulates the auditory nerve and thus triggers nerve impulses that are similar to those of hearing healthy people,” explains Prof. Gstöttner.

In conclusion, Prof. Gstöttner emphasizes the outstanding quality of private medicine in the ENT sector and its value for the healthcare system. “Private medicine plays a decisive role in situations in which the public healthcare system faces challenges and can help to overcome these successfully,” concludes the experienced ENT surgeon.

The Wiener Privatklinik (WPK) is positioning itself as a pioneer in the field of hearing-improving surgery and offers a comprehensive range of procedures to restore hearing.

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