World Cancer Day
The Central European Academy Cancer Center of the Wiener Privatklinik in Vienna, Austria, is proud to be part of the medical community caring for patients from many countries from Central and Southeastern Europe including Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Croatia, Ukraine and Russia. Considering the major and growing burden of cancer in the world and the continuing problem of mortality from cancers in the mentioned geographic area, the Central European Acadamy Cancer Center at Wiener Privatklnik in Vienna, Austria, is ready to not only continue, but further its support for patients with cancer. On the World Cancer Day 2020, we want to renew our dedication to offer the best possible and state-of-the-art diagnoses for cancers including radiologic and pathologic investigations forming the basis for personalized and precision medicine followed by interdisciplinary medical interventions and treatments. These include targeted treatments with the most modern therapies as well as the application of immunotherapy based upon very recent scientific and academic evidence. Thus, the Central European Academy Cancer Center at Wiener Privatklinik offers the highest degree of diagnosis and treatment for cancers in a luxurious and exclusive environment in the beautiful city of Vienna.
For more information about Central European Academy Cancer Center please feel free to download our brochure.