Millesi Center
Peripheral Nerve Surgery, Plexus Brachialis and for Reconstructive Surgery
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Integrated treatment concept
Millesi Center at the Vienna Private Hospital offers integrated treatment concept concerning nerve injuries, pain syndromes and nerve reconstruction, including nerve transplantation.
Previous years have shown that best results in therapy are received by taking the brain, the central nervous system, the peripheral nerves and the muscular system as one functional unit. In the past, it was already considered a success when an accident victim could flex the entirely paralyzed elbow again. Today, even in difficult cases, it is aimed for complex, target-oriented motions. This can only be accomplished by including the paralyzed part of the muscular system and especially the brain in the therapy.
At Millesi Center, an interdisciplinary team of specialists attends patients for diagnosis, surgery and neuro-rehabilitation. Constant research in this area allows the Millesi Center to offer treatment methods per the newest international standards in science.
Injuries of the peripheral nervous system:
- Brachial plexus
- Nerves of the upper extremities
- Lumbosacral plexus
- Nerves of the lower extremities
Conditions following nerve injuries:
- Neurolysis
- Restoration of the nerve continuity through nerve transplantation
- Nerve transfer
- Restoration of the nerve function through muscle transfer
- Restoration of the muscle balance
- Arthrolysis (solution of joint adhesion)
- Tenolysis (solution of tendon adhesion)
- Arthrosis to improve the general function
- Reconstruction through skin graft and tissue transfer (gliding tissue flaps)
Causes of Pain Syndromes:
- Nerve irritation
- Spontaneous or after surgeries /injuries
Reconstructive Skin and Gliding Tissue Surgery
Nerve Tumors
Compression Syndromes
- Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)
- Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
- Tarsal tunnel syndrome (TTS)
- Guyon’s canal syndrome
- Suprascapularis syndrome
- Pronator teres syndrome
- Other
Spastic Paralysis
Volkmann’s Contracture
Neuro-rehabilitation with special consideration of the brain plasticity (IMF Therapy)
When to contact the Millesi Center?
You are encouraged to consult with the Millesi Center specialists immediately after an accident, or when a medical condition presents itself. It is imperative not to delay consultation to enable us to provide you with the best treatment plan for a successful recovery.
- Prof. Dr. SCHMIDHAMMER Robert – Trauma surgery / Peripheral Nerves / Certified Hand Surgery
- OA Dr. Savas Tsolakidis, FEBOPRAS – Specialist in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery